10th GAJE Worldwide Conference Payment Options
Please read this page to successful make payment via
check, wire transfer or request an invoice be sent to
your sponsor institution.

Your registration form has been submitted. NOTE: If you are required to make payment, your registration is not yet confirmed. Upon receipt of your payment, registration will be confirmed. Please read options below.

If you selected an option other than PayPal or Credit Card, 
read the requirement listed below for the payment option you selected to
learn when and how your registration can be confirmed.

NOTE: “Regular Registration” fees for the conference are $350 US for the
General Conference, $475 US for both the General Conference and the
Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop. These fees must be paid on or before Sep 15, 2019. 
After this date the “Late Registration” fees will apply.

Option 1 – Check – Will pay now

Your form has been submitted, however your registration is not complete.

NOTE: Your registration will be complete only after your check has been received.  

To pay by check:

  • Make the check payable to “Global Alliance for Justice Education”
  • The check must be for the full amount due, in US dollars

Mail the check to the GAJE Treasurer, as follows:

Professor Timothy Casey
California Western School of Law
225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Option 2 – Wire transfer or EFT – Will pay now

Your form has been submitted, however your registration is not complete.

NOTE: Your registration will be complete only after your payment has been received.   For the necessary bank information to make a wire transfer or ETF, please send an email to the GAJE Treasurer, Prof. Timothy Casey, at [email protected].

Email GAJE's Treasurer for Bank Wiring Details

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Option 3 – Sponsor Organisation Will Pay – Send Invoice

Your form has been submitted, however you registration is not complete.

NOTE: Your registration will be complete only after your payment has been received.   For an invoice with the necessary bank information for your sponsor organisation/institution/university to pay your registration fees, please complete the below online request or send an email to the GAJE Treasurer, Prof. Timothy Casey, at [email protected].

Email GAJE's Treasurer to Send an Invoice to My Sponsor Organisation/Institution/University

Attending GC or GC & TOT

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