Name: Barbara Schatz
Professional Title: Clinical Professor of Law
Affiliation: Columbia Law School
Country: United States
Title of Presentation: Including Economic Justice in a Social Justice Teaching Agenda: The Role of Clinics Representing Non-Profits, Small Businesses and Social Enterprises
Short Bio: Barbara Schatz is Clinical Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, where she teaches the Community Enterprise Clinic, in which students, under her supervision, represent non-profits, microenterprises and social enterprises. Prior to joining the Columbia faculty, she served as executive director of Lawyers Alliance for New York, where she administered a pro bono program for 1,800 lawyers and built the organization’s non-profit and community development practice. She is the Chair of PILnet: The Global Network for Public Interest Law and serves on the boards of Human Rights First, Trickle Up and the Non-Profit Coordinating Committee of New York. She has written or edited several publications on non-profit organizations and small businesses, including Getting Organized, Starting Off Right and Small Business Start-Ups She has taught and consulted with law faculties in Central and Eastern Europe, countries of the former Soviet Union and China on the creation of clinical programs.