Dear GAJE Members and Friends,

The time has come to start planning our next global gathering! As in previous years, we are requesting proposals for hosting and co-organizing the 9th worldwide GAJE conference, to be held either in July-August or November-December 2017.  Both periods are under consideration depending on the location and timing allowed for the organizational matters.

The Executive Committee, on behalf of the GAJE Steering Committee, invites proposals from GAJE members and friends to host the next conference.  We are looking for a local partner institution that would have the initiative and capacity to organize and run an efficient, high-quality conference at a relatively reasonable cost, so that it will be accessible to the maximum number of GAJE members.  Based on the received proposals, the Steering Committee will make the final decision on the location and the timing of the next conference.


Potential host organizations should send expressions of interest via email by June 30th, 2016 to email: [email protected] . Please try to complete parts of the proposal template attached and provide as much information as you can at this point, e.g. exact location, timing, local infrastructure and capacity, ongoing justice education programs at host institutions and in the country.

Complete proposals should be submitted  to the email above by August 1st, 2016.

Final decision is expected by September 1st, 2016.

Please  click here to access the proposal template document.

Please address all inquiries about the template or the process to [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

GAJE executive team: Odi, Mariana, Wendy, Tim, and Frank