
Name : Elida K Nogoibaeva

Professional Title : Chair of the International and Business Law Department

Affiliation : American University of Central Asia

Country : Kyrgyzstan

Title of Presentation : Mainstreaming Human Rights and Justice Concerns in the Law Department Curriculum, Introducing a Public Interest Focus in the Legal Clinic Program: A Case Study from the Kyrgyz Republic

Short Bio : Elida K. Nogoibaeva received law degree with honors in 1990 from the Kyrgyz State University Law School. In the following nine years Elida K. worked as a professor at the Law School and at the same time as a lawyer for the private legal firms in the country. She was visiting professor twice in USA: in 1994 at the Rutgers University School of Law, and in 2006 at the Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis. Since 1999 Elida K. have been working at the Law department of AUCA.