Name: Izabela Krasnicka
Professional Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok
Country: Poland
Title of Presentation: Legal Education in Poland – Recent Developments, Reforms, and Challenges
Short Bio: Izabela Krasnicka holds a doctoral degree in law and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law and at the University in Bialystok, Poland. She teaches Public International Law, Law of the European Union and Introduction to American Legal System. She is the Dean’s Representative for International Relations and Director of the Summer School of Comparative US/EU Law. She is an author of over 40 publications including articles and book chapters on legal education and clinical legal education in Poland, Europe and worldwide. She is a member of the Board of the Legal Clinics Foundation in Poland and Coordinator of the European Union exchange programs for students and faculty.