
Name : Martin Geer

Professional Title : Professor of Law

Affiliation : UNLV-Boyd School of Law

Country : United States

Title of Presentation :Transforming Students, Transforming Selves: Teaching and Learning about Social Change in Context. Three Models of International Comparative Clinical Cooperation.

Short Bio : Courses and scholarship:criminal pro,civil rts lit.,int.human rts, clinical. Dir.India Int.Hum.Rts Prog.Bd of Dir,Rocky Mtn.Innocence Proj.Fulbright Scholar,India. Sen. Fulbright Spec.Judicial and faculty trainor Russia, India, Brazil, Georgia,Vietnam, Argentina.Consult.World Wildlife Fd.Ford Found,USAID,Jud.Ctr,Ctr for Const.Rts, ABA-CEELI.Reginald Smith Law Fellow.Lifetime Ach. Awd,FAMM.20 years exp.class action civil rights lli.-prison conditions of confinement.100 civil & criminal trials.