Title of Presentation: Those Women Whose Defiance You Have Cause to Fear: Contextual Factors Affecting the Teaching, Learning and Advocacy about Issues of Domestic Abuse in Non-Western Settings
Names of all Presenters: Mary Pat Treuthart, Sara Chandler, Stephen A. Rosenbaum
Short Abstract: This session explores challenges in developing experiential legal education programs, with a focus on women subject to intimate partner physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse. We examine program settings in the Global South generally, in predominantly Muslim countries and in immigrant communities in the West. The session also assists participants in problem-solving structural or substantive issues in their respective programs or advocacy services, including how the definition of domestic violence can be affected by the cultural context. Panel members briefly present their own experience with program development and lessons learned about developing and maintaining clinics, externships or other programs. This is followed by small group discussions. Each group addresses 1 to 3 concrete issues of immediate concern to a school, clinic, NGO or other education/service provider. Kayinga Muddu Yisito will join panelists as a small group facilitator.
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Gender Justice, Equality and Violence Against Women and Children
Engendering a clinic: Lessons learned from a domestic violence clinical course in Qatar