Name: Ernest Ojukwu

Professional Title: Professor

Affiliation: NULAI Nigeria

Country: Nigeria

Title of Presentation: Using Self-Determination Theory for Enhanced Effectiveness of Justice Education Programs: Applying Research on Motivation and Happiness to Course Design and Teaching

Short Bio: Ernest Ojukwu-President NULAI Nigeria; Deputy Director-General Nigerian Law School; Formerly Associate Professor/Dean, Faculty of Law Abia State University; Director Nigerian Bar Association Institute of Continuing Legal Education; Designed clinical legal education curriculum for law faculties and conducted many clinical legal education conferences, teacher training and curriculum development workshops in Nigeria. He has presented on legal education/cle themes at conferences of GAJE, IJCLE, AALS, IBA,ANCL, Externship 6 Conference, Harvard Law School’s Global Legal Education Forum; He is a contributor to The Global Clinical Movement- Educating Lawyers for Social Justice; Author of Legal Education in Nigeria: a chronicle of reforms & reformation under Tahir Mamman; A principal author of Clinical Legal Education: Curriculum Lessons and Materials; Handbook/Manual on Prison Pre-trial Detainee Law Clinic; & Editor-in-Chief of African Journal of Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice.