Title of Presentation: Promotion of Pro Bono: Among Lawyers and Law Students: Lessons to Learn from Experiences in Poland and the United States (Including Mandatory Pro Bono in New York)
Names of all Presenters: Paula Galowitz, Liubou Krasnitskaya, Susan Kay
Short Abstract: In the session, we will then discuss different models of pro bono in many countries. We will examine the experiences in Poland of the promotion of pro bono through lawyer pro bono awards, the annual ranking of law companies and the promotion of student pro bono activities. This session will also address the newly enacted requirement in New York State of prospective lawyers having to spend 50 hours performing pro bono work in order to be admitted to practice law in New York State, and the impact this requirement is having in the United States. We will also discuss student pro bono activities in the United States as well as lessons to be learned from additional models of pro bono. Then there will be small groups discussions to brainstorm on the opportunities and challenges in promoting pro bono in each of our jurisdictions.
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