Name: Richard Roe
Professional Title: Professor of Law: Director of Street Law Clinic
Affiliation: Georgetown University Law Center
Country: United States
Title of Presentation: Mindful Pathways to Social Justice
Short Bio: Richard Roe is Professor of Law and Director, Street Law Clinic, Georgetown Law Center. He has taught Street Law since 1983, and directed Street Law clinical programs in high schools and correctional facilities in which over 1500 law students participated. He also conducts numerous workshops throughout the country and the world on teaching about the law to the public. He also teaches a seminar, “Literacy and Law,” examining how literacy shapes legal culture. He began formally practicing mindfulness in training provided by the Georgetown University School of Medicine in 2009, and since has co-led the 8-week course, Lawyers in Balance, at the Law Center every subsequent semester for 9 semesters on a volunteer basis. In the Valencia GAJE conference, he conducted a session entitled “Mindful Supervision for Mindful Lawyering.” This year’s presentation builds upon and advances that experience.