Title of Presentation: Beyond Nomenclature: Special Education or Inclusive Education: Advocating Quality Basic Education
Names of all Presenters: Azubike Onuora-Oguno
Short Abstract: The task of realising the right to education has not being without some challenges and criticism. This has been based either on institutional criticism or instructional criticism. With particular reference to people with disability and their attendant right to education in Nigeria, the challenges are more daunting. In the present state of education in Nigeria, the statistics are worrisome as access is at the lowest ebb and more so quality. Currently the raging debate is on whether education should be inclusive or special. While the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, specifically calls for inclusive education (article 24), the African Charter on Rights and Welfare of a Child (article 17) calls on State parties to ensure that ‘special measures are taken to promote self-reliance and participation in the community’. This paper argues that, beyond terminologies, it is important to pursue the realisation of quality basic education in Nigeria.
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Beyond Nomenclature: Special Education or Inclusive Education: Advocating Quality Basic Education