Title of Presentation: Teaching Social Justice in Large Enrollment Classes
Names of all Presenters: Lisa Bliss, Sopit Cheevapanich
Short Abstract: Large class size is often viewed as a barrier to the use of interactive teaching methodologies and clinical education. This interactive session will showcase how the presenters collaborated to redesign a course on English for Lawyers at a University in Thailand. The course incorporated interactive learning experiences, practical lawyering skills, and concepts of social justice. Two class sections of 150 students each, were combined for this experiment in social justice teaching. The presenters will share their experience in developing the course, some of the interactive methods employed, and the lessons learned from the process of developing a new way of learning for students. Attendees will leave this session with concrete ideas about how to effectively manage experiential learning exercises for a large class, and how to motivate and encourage students who are unaccustomed to teaching that departs from traditional lecture format, and tips for adapting this model to other courses.
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