Title of Presentation: The Bertha Foundation Be Just Network: Models of Social Justice Lawyering
Names of all Presenters: Colin Gonsalves, Daniel King, Ethel Avisado, Harry Roque, Kranti L C, Meetali Jain, Purvi Shah
Short Abstract: Bertha Foundation has partnered with the best public interest law centres around the world to host and train Be Just Fellows, a two year fellowship for emerging lawyers, to create a clear career track in public interest and movement lawyering. In this panel, staff and Bertha Fellows from 5 Bertha partner organisations will be co-presenting on their different models of public interest lawyering. Those presenting are from India, the Philippines, Thailand, South Africa, and the United States. Each organization on this panel will address the following questions: its vision, the role of lawyers in social change, the greatest strengths and weakensses of its model, and how it is working to build the next generation of social justice lawyers. The panelists will also discuss the usefulness of building a transnational network of social justice lawyers. The panel will use interactive methods to engage members of the audience on their respective models of social justice lawyering.
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