
Title of Presentation : Teaching Through Clinics in Civil Law Systems: the Case of Italy

Names of all Presenters : Marzia Barbera, Fabio Ravelli

Short Abstract : Clinical legal education represents a significant innovation in Italian legal studies. The presentation will explore the various problems faced by the promoters when adapting the first legal clinic ever established in Italy to a context where (1) legal studies (and this is typical of Civil Law countries) have a dogmatic rather than experiential approach (2) little (or no) probono activity is normally carried out by professionals (3) university regulations do not provide for such a figure as a clinical professor (4) local Bar Associations are quite conservative and not very supportive when new projects are put forward. The above mentioned problems have been faced, and overcome, by making some adjustments designed to fit the new legal clinic course into the Law Faculty curriculum. The outcome is a hybrid model of legal clinic compatible with the specificity of the Italian system.

For some sessions the speakers have uploaded material.  To see any material uploaded uploaded for this session, click on the link(s) below. If there are no links, no material was uploaded.

Marzia Barbera – Brescia Legal Clinic – final-1.pdf

Fabio Ravelli – Brescia Legal Clinic Presentation.pdf