
Title of Presentation : Developing a Disciplined Approach to Reflection: Encouraging Reflective Practice, Integrated Learning, and Sharing Promising Practices – Part I

Names of all Presenters : Michele Leering, Ann Herriot, Mary Anne Noone , Rick Roe , Tim Casey

Short Abstract : Michele will describe her action research project at a Canadian law school and the emerging conceptualization of reflective practice specifically intended for students and practitioners interested in social justice and access to justice. An interactive reflective activity will lead to a dialogue with participants sharing their experience and aspirations regarding reflective lawyering. This discussion will focus on how reflection on practice, critical reflection and self-reflection can be integrated to lead to a discipline of reflection in practice that enhances learning,lawyering and justice. An electronic resource kit for exploring reflective practice will be available. Mary Anne will share her strategies for building a reflective capacity in law students through journals. Ann will introduce integral theory as a potential framework for integrating learning and developing individual capacity and self-awareness. She will also facilitate an experiential exercise.

For some sessions the speakers have uploaded material.  To see any material uploaded uploaded for this session, click on the link(s) below. If there are no links, no material was uploaded.

Ten actions of a reflective practitioner

Reflective Journalling for GAJE workshop – July 2011

Encouraging reflective practice – Glossary of Terms & Me

Collection of Quotes about Reflection and RP – July 2011

Annotated Bibliography List- GAJE- July 2011 – McGill

Mindmap 1 – Outcomes and Benefits

MindMap_2-Methond to Encourage

Mind Map 3 – Opportunities to Encourage Reflection

PLP.11.Learning and Placement Guide

Reflective Practice and Reflective Journalling from Australian University