
Title of Presentation : Corruption and the limits of legal education

Names of all Presenters : Nigel Duncan, Sara Chandler

Short Abstract : How do we develop ethics programmes which address the environment within which lawyers operate? We propose addressing the lawyers role in challenging or (dare we say it) facilitating one of the great problems of our day: Corruption.
It is the presenters view that lawyers have particularly important roles in combating corruption. If this is correct, legal educators have a responsibility to prepare students for a world in which corruption is a reality. How might we best prepare our students for a role in combating corruption?
What, if anything, is already done on undergraduate, postgraduate or professional courses to address corruption with our students?
We will present the results of a survey addressing these issues and use them in an interactive workshop. We will undertake to share the results of the workshop with participants.

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Corruption and the limits of legal education

Corruption Group Reports