
Title of Presentation : Clinic and the Law curriculum: student and faculty attitudes to clinical learning

Names of all Presenters : Pilar Bonet, Pilar Fernandez, Ruth Mestre

Short Abstract : The aim of this paper is to highlight, on one hand, the benefits of including clinical legal methodology in the Law curriculum (degree and master) on the other hand, to analyze the clinical learning outcomes as well as attitudes of students and teachers who have participated in this innovative training experience. The students assessment shows how they have increased their skills as law practitioners and their responsibility and social conscience. In contrast, evaluation of teachers is more varied: while some showed to be quite involved in the project and consider it as a very positive experience, others are very hesitant and suspicious about it and they rather prefer the results of an outside practice, or they are not willing to work in legal clinic or to volunteer as teachers, despite acknowledging the values that clinical methodology has for students.

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