Name: Judy Overall

Professional Title: Consultant

Affiliation: Open Society Foundations Law and Health Initiative

Country: United States

Title of Presentation: Bringing Justice to Health Care through Legal Analysis and Film

Short Bio: Judy Overall is the lead consultant in the Human Rights in Patient Care projects of the Open Society Foundations’ Law and Health Initiative. She is a past chair of the department of Health Systems Management at Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, USA, where she taught health law, health management, and legal and management issues in care of the elderly. She has lectured, advised, and developed academic programs and workshops on those topics in Eastern Europe and Central Asia since 1995, in addition to similar work in Africa, China and Taiwan, and Latin America. As a former state assistant attorney general, she prosecuted cases of abuse of the elderly in health care facilities; additionally, she has owned, managed, and consulted for health facilities. She retains an adjunct faculty appointment at Tulane and is Senior Advisor to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway.