Title of Presentation: Student-Initiated Clinics and Pro Bono Projects in the US, France, and Germany
Names of all Presenters: Carolin Niedlich, David Oppenheimer, IoanaTchoukleva, Judith Bueschleb, Marie Mercat-Bruns
Short Abstract: Law students are often the moving force in establishing law school clinics and pro bono projects, with faculty and administration sometimes racing to catch up to their students, and other times blocking their way. Through a simulated faculty meeting considering a proposal for a student-initiated unemployment insurance clinic, this panel will explore the dynamics of student and faculty collaboration on initiating clinics.
The panelists are students and faculty members from Berkeley Law (California), Sciences-Po Ecole de Droit (Paris), and Bucerius Law School (Hamburg).
The first 30 minutes will consist of 10-minute presentations by students and faculty members from each school. The next 45 minutes will be organized as a simulated meeting between students and faculty at Imagine True Justice School of Law, in which a student proposal for a new clinic will be discussed. Members of the audience will act as members of the faculty and participate in the evaluation of the proposal.
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Simulation for Student-Initiated Clinics Panel