Title of Presentation: The Northwestern Access to Health Project: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health and Human Rights
Names of all Presenters: Juliet Sorensen
Short Abstract: International law and constitutions around the world increasingly recognize the right to the highest attainable standard of health. But how is that right to be realized? The Northwestern Access to Health Project seeks to leverage the resources of a multidisciplinary research university in Chicago, Illinois in partnership with a community in the developing world. Students from Northwestern’s law, business and medical schools enroll in my health and human rights class, in which they work in interdisciplinary groups on a public health needs assessment of the partner community. The needs assessment is furthered by a site visit to the community conducted by myself and a colleague from Northwestern Medical School’s Center for Global Health. Based on the results of the assessment, in conjunction with the community, we identify and implement a sustainable, capacity-building intervention that aims to maximize access to health.
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